news Raysonic“龍泉國小圖書館”項目榮獲2023TID臺灣室內設計大獎


研究當代華人生活形式與區域文化的重要場域凝聚了當代台灣設計菁英的設計創意思維之外,更成為觀察大中華地區室內設計發展的最重要平台,記錄與觀察來自兩岸各地設計作品,所呈現的各式各樣當代「生活空間」的面貌,更是作為研究當代華人生活形式與區域文化的重要場域。臺灣室內設計大獎 (Taiwan Interior Design Award, 簡稱 TID Award)是大中華地區室內設計領域的重要競賽平臺,在歴任理事長及評審團努力下不斷發展,推動華人設計正面積極向上發展的鼓勵成效,並凝聚專業設計領域的共識。除了是台灣室內設計界的重要大奬外,近年來也成為兩岸四地及亞太華人地區非常重要的專業奬項。




TID室內設計獎至今已舉辦十六屆,幾乎每一屆都有Raysonic獲獎的身影,屢獲大獎代表了業界對Raysonic專業性的認可,也是對Raysonic永恒發展意識的激勵;創新意識驅動的Raysonic永立潮頭,其指標性、專業性、創新性與社會責任感,已逐漸成長為設計領域的廣泛共識。此次龍泉國小圖書館為Raysonic與studio In2深活生活設計合作項目,以基地書法文化為切入點,創意設計與創新落地技術,使得項目成為又一個令人矚目的焦點。

Long-Cyuan Elementary School is a hundred-year-old school known for calligraphy, which inspires the library's interior design. The library space gives off areserved and serene atmosphere, centering around the core ideas of “meaning" and "quietness".
A212美橡American Oak、903 煙燻橡木 Dark Oak、W209 銀河灰 Galaxy Grey▲
 By"meaning"we aim to give meanings to the space and convey the design discourse: "a charactershould be written in one stroke;even when it is not,the lineage should not be broken”, which is inspired by cursive script in calligraphy. Like an unintentional stroke moving through the space, from the entrance to the end.
A212美橡American Oak、903 煙燻橡木 Dark Oak、W209 銀河灰 Galaxy Grey▲
By "quietness" ,we seek to create a peaceful and quiet atmosphere and guide visitors'eyes around the space with fixed-pattern and cleancut edges across the space. 
A212美橡American Oak、903 煙燻橡木 Dark Oak▲


The 115-cm-high edges define a horizontal plane in the space, below the plane are bookcases easily accessible to children.and above it are all-white structures. The protruding line between the two looks like a somewhat-connected-somewhat-disconnected stroke written across them.

A212美橡American Oak、903 煙燻橡木 Dark Oak▲


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